Organization Information
About 6000 BC
Vampire police force
Notable members
Paramilitary vampires
Notable patrons
"V-Feds" is an informal name used to describe the paramilitary force of the Vampire Authority on the HBO original series True Blood. V-Fed officers dress in a similar manner to the paramilitary SWAT units seen through the United States and some European countries. They are armed with sniper rifles loaded with wooden bullets with a silver core. Eric Northman referred to them as "gay stormtroopers".
The V-Feds ranks are composed of both vampires and humans. Human V-Feds serve mostly as security details to vampire monarchs, such as Bill Compton, while the Authority employs vampire V-Feds within its headquarters.
Known V-Feds[]
- Three of Nan's guards (Deceased: Decapitated by Eric Northman)
- Gondry (Destroyed: Shot by Jason Stackhouse)
- Lambert (Destroyed: Shot by Jason Stackhouse)
- AHQ Escort 1 (Destroyed: Staked by Eric Northman)
- AHQ Escort 2 (Destroyed: Staked by Eric Northman)
- AHQ Guard 1 (Destroyed: Staked by Eric Northman or Nora Gainesborough)
- AHQ Guard 2 (Destroyed: Staked by Eric Northman or Nora Gainesborough)
- Authority Guard Captain (Destroyed: Staked by Eric Northman or Nora Gainesborough)
- Authority Gate Guard (Status unknown)
- Authority Guard 1 (Destroyed: Decapitated by Bill Compton)
- Several dozen soldiers of Vampire Authority (Destroyed by Jason Stackhouse, Tara Thornton, Eric Northman and Nora Gainesborough)
- Several soldiers of Vampire Authority (Survived)