True Blood Wiki

Can we please get a picture of Pam were she doesn't look like a cheep whore?Mesmermann 20:14, June 26, 2012 (UTC)


Can we please get a picture of Pam were she doesn't look like a cheep whore? I was thinking of this one Mesmermann 20:19, June 26, 2012 (UTC)

How is the current one for you M?--Opark 77 (talk) 20:14, September 1, 2012 (UTC)


How is she 140 if she was human in 1905 ? --Unsigned comment from IP address

2012 - 140 = born in 1872

1905 - 1872 = 33 when turned

Seems reasonable to me. We should probably start sourcing the ages as they seem so controversial.--Opark 77 10:53, July 10, 2012 (UTC)

Since Season 5 takes place in late 2009, the information is incorrect. If Pam was born in 1871, then technically she's 138 years old. This is an instance when the correct age should be posted. However, SOMEONE decided to lock the page, so even honest people like me can't put in the "right" details. Tsk tsk tsk.....oh well. Correct it. 01:17, August 16, 2012 (UTC)

Queen Buffy locked this page, i think she thinks she has a monopoly on anything pam she won't let anyone edit it Oyaya 15:51, August 31, 2012 (UTC)

I've reduced the protection to allow established editors to edit the page. I've corrected the age. Oyaya, I'm sure that is not true. Buffy is a huge Pam fan but she is also a responsible admin who knows that no-one owns a wikia article and they are group efforts.--Opark 77 (talk) 20:12, September 1, 2012 (UTC)

Appearances table errors[]

Pam did not appear in Nothing But the Blood, she was not featured in the season 2 premier at all, only Eric in the cliffhanger in fangtasia. She was however in Scratches, remember she went out and was tracking Maryann who attacked Sookie. --Unsigned comment from IP address

Fixed. Thanks for letting us know.--Opark 77 (talk) 20:14, September 1, 2012 (UTC)

Pam Doesn't appear in "Release Me", she does however appear in "Hard-Hearted Hannah"[]

I'm making a video filled with clips of Pam's funny quotes and foul mouth and I can confirm that she makes absolutely no appereance in Release Me, she does however eappear in Hard-Hearted-Hannah" (appears in Merlotte's kitchen and tells Lafayette to sell Tru Blood, with the quote "You are very much back in this shit." This is incorrectly listed in her appearances in season 2. If I notice anymore while going through the videos I'll update further. M.Warlow (talk) 12:19, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

Powers and Abilities[]

Pam's power to levitate seems to have already developed into flight as shown in the last episode of season 6 "Radioactive", when she sets off to find Eric. --Unsigned comment from IP address