True Blood Wiki

Last name spelling[]

We seem to have a bit of a discrepancy in regards to the spelling of Big John's last name. The title of this article, as well as the actor John W. Godley's article spell it as "Dickson" whereas in the introduction of this article and in the infobox it's spelled "Dixon". Does anyone know the correct spelling of his last name? Or if there is some sort of official source which has one spelling over the other? See you space cowboy 02:04, September 4, 2015 (UTC)

This has been under debate for quite some time now, because there is no official record of his last name. While some claim that it is "Dixon", even going so far as to change the spelling in the infobox, which I intentionally had not changed back yet, there are several television show characters with the last name Dixon; The Walking Dead's Daryl Dixon, in particular. But while a black man with the last name "Dixon" living in the South would be a walking contradiction, It would also be a major in joke. Because this would be to be expected, I am leaning toward the alternate spelling of "Dickson"... - Adamantoise (talk) 05:34, September 4, 2015 (UTC)