True Blood Wiki
The subject of the article is involved with Season 1 The subject of the article is involved with Season 2 The subject of the article is involved with Season 3 The subject of the article is involved with Season 4 The subject of the article is involved with Season 5 The subject of the article is involved with Season 6 The subject of the article is involved with Season 7

Sam Merlotte

Sam Merlotte
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
First seen
Last seen
Appeared in
79 episodes (see below)
Mentioned in
Biographical Information
Also Known As
Silver Fox (by Nicole Wright's mother)
Turning age
Vampire age
Date of birth
Date turned
Date of death
Family Information
Family members
Joe Lee Mickens - Father †
Melinda Mickens - Mother †
Mitch Merlotte - Adoptive Father
Sue Ann Merlotte - Adoptive Mother
Tommy Mickens - Brother †
Nicole Wright - Wife
Victoria Merlotte - Daughter
Tommy Merlotte - Son
Supernatural Information
  • The ability to shift into any form
  • Strengthened senses
Has shifted into
  • Dog
  • Fly
  • Bird
  • Horse
  • Snake
  • Pig
  • Rat
  • Bull
  • Rabbit
Notable Progeny
Cause of death
{{{Cause of death}}}
Killed by
{{{Killed by}}}
Physical Appearance
Hair color
Eye color
Portrayed by


"Andy, if you don’t stop fuckin’ with me, I’ll turn into a doberman and bite off your face!"

Sam Merlotte is a shapeshifter on the HBO original series True Blood. Played by American starring actor Sam Trammell, Sam makes his debut in the series' premiere episode, "Strange Love", in the series' first season. Former owner of the nightclub Merlotte's Bar and Grill, in Bon Temps, Louisiana, Sam plays a recurring role through the series' first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh seasons, and is now currently mayor of Bon Temps. Possessing a "go-to" shift of a light-colored border collie, Sam was last seen in the series' finale episode, "Thank You", in the series' seventh, and final, season.


Physical Appearance[]

In his early 30's, he is of average height and strong build, with gray eyes and shaggy brown hair, much in line with his alternate form. While he can change into any animal (so long as there is a suitable 'template' animal around for him to use as a basis), Sam's preferred alternate shape is that of a border collie.


Though he has a rough past, Sam grew up to be a kind person. He's responsible, compassionate and generous. He's as loyal as a dog. He is a protective person who likes to keep an eye on those he cares about, though he does his best not to seem over-bearing. His friendly and easygoing nature helps him get along with nearly everyone. Despite his kindness and thoughtful nature, he does have anger management problems, which seem to be common among Shifters. His temper issues grow more volatile as the show progresses, but he's recently been managing to mellow out despite all the emotional trauma he's been facing.


  • Like all shapeshifters, Sam feels a strong urge to change shape on the nights of a full moon. The rest of the time he can do so at will. He often will go for runs in dog form through the local woods with his canine friends.
  • Although not usually an angry person, Sam has shown that he has a bad temper, shown to even be capable of killing. ("I Smell a Rat") He appears to dislike vampires, and has an even deeper hatred for werewolves and werepanthers; he nearly beats Calvin Norris to death in Season 3 and when Sookie compares him to a werewolf, he resents the thought.


Season one appearances
"Strange Love" "The First Taste" "Mine" "Escape from Dragon House"
"Sparks Fly Out" "Cold Ground" "Burning House of Love" "The Fourth Man in the Fire"
"Plaisir D'Amour" "I Don't Wanna Know" "To Love Is to Bury" "You'll Be the Death of Me"
Season two appearances
"Nothing but the Blood" "Keep This Party Going" "Scratches" "Shake and Fingerpop"
"Never Let Me Go" "Hard-Hearted Hannah" "Release Me" "Timebomb"
"I Will Rise Up" "New World in My View" "Frenzy" "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"
Season three appearances
"Bad Blood" "Beautifully Broken" "It Hurts Me Too" "9 Crimes"
"Trouble" "I Got a Right to Sing the Blues" "Hitting the Ground" "Night on the Sun"
"Everything Is Broken" "I Smell a Rat" "Fresh Blood" "Evil is Going On"
Season four appearances
"She's Not There" "You Smell Like Dinner" "If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?" "I'm Alive and on Fire"
"Me and the Devil" "I Wish I Was the Moon" "Cold Grey Light of Dawn" "Spellbound"
"Let's Get Out of Here" "Burning Down the House" "Soul of Fire" "And When I Die"
Season five appearances
"Turn! Turn! Turn!" "Authority Always Wins" "Whatever I Am, You Made Me" "We’ll Meet Again"
"Let's Boot and Rally" "Hopeless" "In the Beginning" "Somebody That I Used to Know"
"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" "Gone, Gone, Gone" "Sunset" "Save Yourself"
Season six appearances
"Who Are You, Really?" "The Sun" "You're No Good" "At Last"
"F**k the Pain Away" "Don't You Feel Me" "In the Evening" "Dead Meat"
"Life Matters" "Radioactive"
Season seven appearances
"Jesus Gonna Be Here" "I Found You" "Fire in the Hole" "Death is Not the End"
"Lost Cause" "Karma" "May Be the Last Time" "Almost home"
"Love is to Die" "Thank You"