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The subject of the article is involved with Season 1 The subject of the article is involved with Season 2

Royce Allen Williams

Royce Allen Williams
1, 2
First seen
Last seen
Appeared in
4 episodes (see below)
Mentioned in
Biographical Information
Also Known As
Turning age
Vampire age
Date of birth
Date turned
Date of death
Vampire hunter
Family Information
Family members
Unknown Father
Unknown Mother
Supernatural Information
Has shifted into
Notable Progeny
Notable kills
Cause of death
Ripped apart
Killed by
Physical Appearance
Hair color
Eye color
Portrayed by


"I'm sorry I hassled you about bein' gay. If it makes you feel any better, once when I was fifteen at Safety Patrol camp I let my bunkmate blow me."
―Royce Williams, apologizing to Lafayette Reynolds in his final moments.[src]

Royce Allen Williams was a human living in Bon Temps, Louisiana on the HBO original series True Blood. Played by American co-starring actor Caleb Moody, Royce makes his debut on the episode "Sparks Fly Out" in the series' first season. Playing a recurring role through the same season, Royce did not like vampires, such as Eric Northman and killed three of them. He had hip replacement surgery on one of his hips, and met an untimely demise on the episode "Nothing but the Blood", at the beginning of the series' second season.



It was likely that Royce was born in Bon Temps and lived there all his life. During his childhood and teen years, he slept with his cousin's girlfriend and had a homosexual experience with a boy at camp.("Sparks Fly Out")

Season 1[]

"Sparks Fly Out"[]

Royce was first seen in the audience when Bill spoke at the Descendants of the Glorious Dead rudely crushing garlic with two of his friends while Bill was speaking.("Sparks Fly Out")

"Burning House of Love"[]

Later, he and his friends went to Merlotte's to eat, they were bullying people but were not a threat. Royce also made fun of Lafayette for being gay prompting Lafayette to beat up Royce and his friends. Lafayette also dumped food in his lap.("Burning House of Love")

"Plaisir D'Amour"[]

When Diane Hardwicke, Liam McKnight and Malcolm Beaumarchais came into Merlotte's and terrorized the locals, Royce decided to get back at them. The following day, while the sun was out, he walked over to the three vampires' house with two of his friends and set fire to it. Diane, Liam, Malcolm and the new teenage human town coroner's assistant Neil Jones were killed in the fire.("Plaisir D'Amour")

Season 2[]

"Nothing but the Blood"[]

Royce was in Merlotte's when Eric entered to warn people that crimes against vampires would not go unpunished. It was not long after this that Royce ended up in the dungeon at Fangtasia with Lafayette. Royce tried to escape by pushing a piece of silver into Eric's face and attempting to make a run for the door. Eric, however, grabbed him and tore him apart, killing then feeding on him.("Nothing but the Blood")


Season one appearances
"Strange Love" "The First Taste" "Mine" "Escape from Dragon House"
"Sparks Fly Out" "Cold Ground" "Burning House of Love" "Fourth Man in the Fire"
"Plaisir D'Amour" "I Don't Wanna Know" "To Love Is to Bury" "You'll Be the Death of Me"
Season two appearances
"Nothing but the Blood" "Keep This Party Going" "Scratches" "Shake and Fingerpop"
"Never Let Me Go" "Hard-Hearted Hannah" "Release Me" "Timebomb"
"I Will Rise Up" "New World in My View" "Frenzy" "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"