Joe Bob is a recurring character in the fifth season. He is played by guest star Ted Welch and debuts in "Hopeless". He is part of the Obamas anti-supernatural group.
Season 5[]
The Obamas attack the local shifters, they murder Suzanne McKittrick and Emory Broome. Sam Merlotte discovers their bodies and reports the shootings to the police. ("We’ll Meet Again")
The Obamas attack Sam at Luna Garza's house. They wound Luna and shoot at Emma Garza, driving her away. ("Let's Boot and Rally")
The shooting investigation exposes Junior as an Obamas member. He is shot and killed by Sheriff Andy Bellefleur when he reaches for a weapon during questioning.
The Obamas attack a vampire outside Fangtasia. They recognize that it was feeding on Hoyt Fortenberry and pull him into their van. Joe Bob tells him that they have saved his life. ("Hopeless")
The group attempts to induct Hoyt, revealing their identities and their hatred of supernaturals. Hoyt is sympathetic because of his failed relationship with Jessica Hamby. He accompanies them on their next mission. They return to the hospital to make another attempt on Luna's live. Joe Bob is apprehended when he tries to attack Luna Garza at the hospital. ("In the Beginning")
Joe Bob gives up the location of the Obamas' compound when he is interrogated by Sam, who has shifted into the form of a cobra. The compound is deserted apart from Jessica Hamby, who had been abducted by the group. ("Somebody That I Used to Know")
Andy Bellefleur and Jason Stackhouse attempt to get more information from Joe Bob but he will not talk. His defiance earns him a beating. Andy later realizes that Bud Dearborne is the common thread amongst the Obamas they have identified. The information results in a confrontation between the authorities and the rest of the group and the death of Bud. The group's leader Sweetie Des Arts and her other followers Ray and Tyrese are arrested. ("Everybody Wants to Rule the World")
Season five appearances | |||
"Turn! Turn! Turn!" | "Authority Always Wins" | "Whatever I Am, You Made Me" | "We’ll Meet Again" |
"Let's Boot and Rally" | "Hopeless" | "In the Beginning" | "Somebody That I Used to Know" |
"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" | "Gone, Gone, Gone" | "Sunset" | "Save Yourself" |