True Blood Wiki
Template header-ExpandedUniverse

Wiki Icon-computer This article is not part of the True Blood Television Series.

This article covers a subject or facts that are not part of the True Blood television show, but instead are a part of the True Blood Universe found outside of the series: either found online, in comics, on Youtube, on DVD Extras, etc.

The subject of the article is involved with Season 1 The subject of the article is involved outside of the True Blood Universe
In Focus-SLoViA-001

In Focus: Shedding the Light on Vampires in America was a 14 and a half minute long documentary created to complement the theme of vampires living among humans on the HBO original series True Blood. Known officially as a "Mock-u-mentary", and released both apart from the series, as well as being included on the series' first season's extras DVD, In Focus: Shedding the Light on Vampires in America is narrated by broadcast journalist Tiffany McElroy and discusses vampires as they live struggle to achieve equality.



Producer: D. Zibulsky
Editor: P. Martirano




In Focus Shedding The Light on Vampires in America (HBO)

See Also[]
