- "We fight like siblings, but we fuck like champions"
- ―Eric Northman[src]
Season 5[]
"Turn! Turn! Turn!"[]

Bill calls Jessica and lets her know he will be out of town and that she is free to use his home. Eric is seen in the background cleaning up Nan's bloody mess with vampire speed. Bill and Eric both sense Sookie is in danger but Eric says "Fuck Sookie" and reminds Bill that she has rejected them both. He knows that cleaning up Nan's mess is more important.
Eric and Bill are captured and stuffed inside the trunk of a car driven by Hayes and Nora.

Eric captured.
In the trunk they work together to get an umbrella and puncture a hole in the gas tank with its metal tip. They then create a spark of fire to make the car explode. Before Hayes can kill Eric or Bill, Nora stakes him. Eric approaches her instantly and kisses her passionately. He tells Bill, she is his sister.
Nora and Eric have sex.
Eric, Bill, and Nora are walking along a pier. Nora explains the Guardian had Nan followed, and Nora took the opportunity to save Eric before the Authority got to them. They are unaware that Nora is Eric's sister. When Bill asked why she did this, she said she would do anything for Eric. Eric said, he'd do anything for her. She was going to have a car waiting to ambush their car and kill Hayes, but Eric and Bill's stunt beat her to it. She said not to apologize, and that it was, "bad ass". They go to ground for the day inside a huge 18-wheeler bed. Nora calls Roman and lies to him about being ambushed. Bill tells Eric, he knew he had friends in high places, but is surprised to have a chancellor is on his side. Eric says not even Pam knows about his alliance with Nora. Nora explains to them that they cannot return to the lives they had. If they do, her life will end, as Roman thinks Eric and Bill are now dead.

Eric emerges after having sex with Nora.
In the bed of the 18-wheeler, Eric and Nora are having sex while Bill waits outside. Bill comments how New Orleans is only 60 miles away and that perhaps they should be more quiet. Eric's cell phone rings as he receives a call from Alcide. He learns that Russell is on the loose again.
Nora, Eric, and Bill are walking along a pier when they meet with "Cat". She has their new papers. Bill is Marcelus Clark and Eric is Ike Applebaum. Cat says new papers are hard to come by and tells them it is time to say goodbye. Eric kisses Nora. Suddenly all the vampires are instantly killed, and a loud voice is heard from above. The Authority has trapped Eric, Bill, and Nora. ("Turn! Turn! Turn!")
"Authority Always Wins"[]
Nora, Bill, and Eric are transported to an unknown facility. Salome meets them as they are unloaded from the armored truck used to transport them. She takes them down to private cells and locks them inside. They are questioned via a camera/monitor on the ceiling.

Eric and Bill burned by UV light.
Eric asks Bill what they should do now that they are locked away. They then discover Nigel Beckford. An insane, baby-eating vampire who is also locked inside the cells. During interrogation Bill says that Nora and Eric are both innocent. With the Authority believing Bill is lying, they use a UV light machines to burn all of them. They all keel over in agony until the lights are shut off.
They are separated and tortured. Bill is taken before Dieter Braun. In the next room, Eric is undergoing the same interrogation by Salome. She claims that Nora is dead and asks Eric about Nan's murder. He feigns ignorance and she injects silver into his veins, causing agonizing pain. Salome tells Eric that Bill has been freed for his cooperation and that he'll be reinstated as King. Eric doesn't buy it, and simply says, "Long live the King". He then gets more silver injected into him.
Eric and Bill are lead into a room with the Authority. Roman enters from a side door. Before speaking to them, he holds a type of communion with the blood of Roman, which he takes from his own wrist to symbolize that of Lilith's. One by one, he drops a blood drop into the mouths of each member. After the ceremony, Roman turns to Bill and Eric, stating he hates to meet under these circumstances. Nora is pulled out of the room, and Eric shows he wants to help her, yet he is bound and cannot. Roman sits and starts to discuss the errors they have made. The launcher used on main street, the fight breaking out between vampires and humans during the Festival of Tolerance. He tells them that they are the Authority, just as Nan was. He then tells them they will see the True Death. Roman also asks about the Sanguinista movement. Bill says he knows nothing about it, and Eric says he tries to stay out of politics.
The Authority has a meeting before them. They all believe they should
meet the True Death. Roman says that mainstreaming is the only way to live. That they must co-exist with humans. Salome opens a briefcase and pulls out a stake for Roman. Bill speaks up when asked if they have any final words. He says he will offer up an exchange."Our lives in return for Russell Edgington." Roman was told by Nan that Russell was dead but Bill assured him that Eric and he put him in the ground and did not kill him. Eric adds that Russell has broken free. Whether they live or die, the Authority will find out soon enough.

Russell is shown, slowly regaining his strength.
Bill says that Russell will obliterate the Authorities cause. Roman, in vampire speed stands behind Bill with a stake. Angry that he allowed the happenings with Russell. Eric yells out, "quiet!", and that he was the one who did it. Roman is mad that Bill, a King, allowed it. Roman pulls back and says he cannot go on personal desires. Bill states that Russell will stop at nothing to kill Eric and Bill, and when he does, Roman will be there to put an end to him as they should have. ("Authority Always Wins")
"Whatever I Am, You Made Me"[]
The Authority continues to debate what to do with Bill and Eric for leaving Russell alive. Roman assures them that he will take their opinions under advisement and sends them away, except Salome. Roman reveals to Eric and Bill that Russell has become a "poster boy" for Sanguinistas for what he did on public television. Roman makes it clear to them that he will not see mainstreaming ruined by one ancient, pissed off psychopath. Bill and Eric assure him that they understand and promise to bring Russell in or die trying. Roman dismisses them.

Bill and Eric wearing iStakes.
Molly, a bubbly vampire, requests for Bill and Eric to remove their shirts and places a device on them called the iStake. It is firmly strapped around their torsos and centered over their hearts. Molly tells them that the indestructible devices will pierce their heart faster than a bullet with the click of an application on her iPhone. She warns that attempting to remove the iStake will also trigger it.

Pam pays her debt to Eric.
In her coffin, Pam dreams of an encounter with Eric, Lorena, and a young Bill at her business, Comstock Brothel just before she was turned. In one of the rooms, Lorena and Bill are shown feeding on one of Pam's girls. Eric walks in and stops them both. Bill attempts to stake Eric and Eric easily stops him. Amused, Eric introduces himself. Bill once again attempts to attack Eric, but Lorena stops him. Lorena pleads with Eric that Bill is still new and does not understand his vampire lifestyle yet. Eric notes Bill's bravery and loyalty to Lorena, as well as his surprising strength for a newborn. Eric also mentioned that killing a newborn that shows such promise would be a shame simply because his Maker did not teach him to respect elder vampires. Eric demands that Lorena apologize to Pam. Pam extorts 500 dollars for each girl they drained. Bill rushes out and Eric warns Lorena to control him. Lorena follows Bill and Pam pays her debt by sleeping with Eric. Pam is shown back in her coffin in the present day, still sleeping as bloody tears begin to fall.

Pam forces Eric to turn her or watch her die.
In another flashback, Pam is shown in bed with Eric after she slept with him. She asks Eric what it is like to be a vampire. Eric says it would take several human lifetimes to answer that question. Pam asks Eric to make her a vampire, saying that they would have all the time in the world. Eric says that she doesn't know what she is asking for. She disagrees, asserting that she wants a life worth living. Pam tells Eric that women like her die alone when they get old, riddled with diseases. She says that if he knew what kind of life waited for her, he would turn her. Eric challenges that if she knew the responsibilities of being a Maker, she wouldn't dare ask. Pam asks him to make and then leave her, sure that she could take care of herself. Eric explains tossing a newborn baby into a gutter is no different to abandoning a newborn vampire. He adds that becoming a Maker is a bond deeper than any human can understand. Eric prepares to leave and Pam puts on her robes and walks to her table. She intentionally cuts both her forearms and begins to bleed profusely. She begs Eric to make her a vampire or watch her die of blood loss. Hesitant at first, Eric reveals his fangs and gives her what she wants. ("Whatever I Am, You Made Me")
"We’ll Meet Again"[]

Salome offers her friendship to Eric.
Eric is brought to Salome's bedroom at her request. Salome reveals that she knows Nora is Eric's sister through Godric. She says that she found Godric to be a glorious vampire until he lost his way. Salome wonders why Eric left Nora to die. Eric answers that he had no choice. She tells Eric that they all have choices. Eric asks if this is how she makes friends. Salome says that friends she can trust are rare. She confides that she sponsored and mentored Nora. Eric wonders if she believes Nora's arrest reflects badly. Salome says Eric is cold at heart because he's been hurt. Eric asserts that it will heal. Salome says that she could quicken that process by being his friend, removing her robes and lying naked on her bed. Eric walks towards her.
Bill and Eric are seen in an elevator. Eric attempts to gloat about sleeping with Salome to Bill. Bill smiles, hinting of his sexual encounter with Salome before Eric. Eric wonders what she wants from them. When the elevator doors open, a group of guards are seen waiting for them.
Bill and Eric climb out of the back of a jeep on a deserted back road. The guards that dropped them off throw them a set of car keys and drive off. Bill and Eric discuss who could have freed Russell. Eric says only four people knew where he was, him and Bill included. Bill hits the key's alarm to locate the car and tells Eric that he'll drive. They go to Fangtasia and close the bar early to wait for Pam. When she arrives Pam shakes with relief seeing her Maker back. She says that no apologies are necessary between them and asks if they can let bygones be bygones. Pam notices that Bill is also present and explains that Tara is her progeny. She tells Eric that he is a grandfather. Disinterested, Eric asks Bill a moment alone with Pam. Bill takes Tara with him to the offices.
Eric interrogates Pam, calling her a liar and demanding to know where Russell is. Pam assures him that she would die a thousand times before betraying him. Eric calls her a fool, saying he trusts no one and that she shouldn't either. Pam asks why he keeps her around if she means so little to him. Pam demands that Eric release her if he trusts Bill and Alcide over her.
Eric walks into his office, and Tara calmly leaves. He tells Bill that Pam is innocent. Bill asks if Eric told anyone else about Russell, including his sister, offending Eric. Bill tells him that Russell is a great martyr for the Sanguinistas and if Nora is behind this, then Russell would be very useful to her cause. Eric says if she was planning something he would've known about it and even then he wouldn't give her Russell. Eric then asks Bill if he told anyone, including Jessica. Bill says that if he did, he would have gone to her first. He then suggests they go to ground and keep searching the following night.

Eric releases Pam.
Pam wakes up in her coffin. Eric comes downstairs to talk with her. They sit on the stairs and he tells her that searching for Russell is a suicide mission. He says that even if they find Russell, he and Bill will still be facing treason charges. She asks about Eric's friends within the Authority and Eric tells her he had a friend, but she can't help him anymore. Eric warns her that either Russell or the Authority will end him and says that he doesn't want her there. When she says that she wants to fight beside him, he still denies her and says that he has to release her. He says that it not because he doesn't trust her but because she is his only progeny and he needs her to live after he dies to secure his legacy. Pam begins to cry but says that she understands and accepts. Eric hesitates, but releases her. Pam begins to cry and hugs Eric. Eric says that she is still his child and that she was born into greatness. He reminds her that she is also a Maker now and that their blood will continue to thrive. Eric kisses Pam's forehead and holds her as blood tears fall from his eyes.
Bill is watching Sookie making out with Alcide from outside her window. Eric arrives and says that they should be looking for Russell. Bill says that they are and believes Sookie can be useful in their search. Eric says Sookie might not want to help, but Bill says they won't give her the choice. ("We’ll Meet Again")
"Let's Boot and Rally"[]

Sookie and Alcide are making out on her couch. Alcide picks her up, takes her upstairs and both begin to undo their clothes. Once Sookie's shirt comes off, Alcide proclaims he's been waiting a long time to sleep with her. Sookie suddenly throws up on Alcide's shoes. Bill and Eric stand idly by Sookie's door with Eric teasing Alcide about knowing how to treat a lady.
Sookie is sitting at her table with Bill and Eric while Alcide is cleaning his boots in the back. Bill requests Sookie to try and read the mind of Doug, Alcide's employee who was glamoured after Russell was freed. Alcide says he doesn't want Doug mixed up in vampire business, saying fangers bring nothing but trouble and death. Eric retorts that they don't need his permission. As they argue about the current situation with Russell, a still drunken Sookie then begins to hear all three men bark like dogs and starts to laugh. When they stop and realize, Sookie apologizes and admits that she felt if she makes the right choices, her life would go back to normal. She then realizes that it's not going to change and accepts her life would always revolve around the supernatural. She grabs her jacket and goes with Bill and Eric to hunt Russell, Alcide also joining along.

Bill, Eric, Alcide, and Sookie show up to meet Doug. Sookie asks if she could read his mind and he lets her. While he says he doesn't remember much, Sookie sees his thoughts and a woman approaches him but Sookie can't make out who it is. She then sees another of Doug's thoughts of this woman digging Russell out with her hands. A terribly weak and blood deprived Russell is seen being held and Sookie notices the woman wearing the same pendant the Authority wears. She tells this to Bill and Eric, and Bill accuses Eric of telling Nora about Russell, to which Eric promptly denies. Bill continues accusing Nora of freeing Russell and Eric deems it absurd, considering the great lengths Nora went through to free them both.
Eric and Bill argue in the back of the truck. Bill wonders if Nora orchestrated in saving them both to deliver them to Russell. Eric asks Bill why he thinks she would to that. Bill says Russell can be a powerful ally to her cause, though he would never do it for free and if Nora were to serve them both to Russell then she can negotiate with him. Eric continues to ensure that Nora's not behind this and tried to help them, but Bill refuses to believe that. Eric says he's being paranoid. Bill retorts in questioning why Nora's still alive. Eric says he doesn't know. Bill says Nora is a traitor and a liar just like her brother. In anger, Eric exposes his fangs and demands that Bill take back his words. Bill, also showing his fangs, suddenly gets a phone call. Molly tells them their iStakes have been activated to go off at dawn. As they approach an abandoned asylum, Bill attempts to have him and Eric split to try and find Russell and tells Sookie she can wait outside with Doug and Alcide . Sookie deems that a poor idea and says it's best they stick together, considering her powers are the only thing that seem to have a success rate against Russell.
Sookie continues reading Doug's mind to locate Russell's exact whereabouts. As they search, they find a rat feeding on a human hand. Nearby, they find more rats feeding on piles of drained corpses. Eric deems they are definitely in the right place. Eric and Bill approach Russell's room. Russell, now fully healed, wonders what took Eric and Bill so long. Eric approaches and asks Russell if he remembers him and says they've come to finish what they started. Russell says that, like his old lover Talbot used to tell him when they went buck hunting: "Give it your best shot." ("Let's Boot and Rally")

Alcide is being dragged away by a werewolf, JD in his wolf form before he can transform and take it on. Wolves also attack Eric and Bill, leaving Sookie exposed. A still-weak but hungry Russell closes on Sookie, and is about to bite her when she suddenly manifests balls of faerie light from her hands, sending him flying against a wall. Before he can recover, Eric and Bill subdue their wolf attackers and Eric grabs Russell by the throat. Before he can end him, Bill comes up behind Eric, holding him at bay with a stake. He proposes that they take Russell alive, reasoning that if they succeed in bringing him in, the Authority might spare them. Eric doesn't believe him. Before Eric can answer, the Authority's strike team, lead by Councilman Kibwe, swarms the building and tells the group that they'll take over from that point.
Russell hurls curses at the Authority's team and Kibwe. He assures them they'll have to pay once he's fully restored. As Russell is being led away Kibwe asks Bill and Eric why Sookie and Alcide are there. They make up a story about finding them and Doug along the way. Kibwe says they know too much, but Bill assures them that they'll be glamoured. The councilman agrees, leaving one of the team behind to witness it. Bill goes to Sookie and tells her to look him in the eyes. Eric approaches Alcide, bares his fangs and bites his finger to heal him with his blood. He then glamours Alcide telling him that he'll remember nothing of the evening, but will always protect Sookie with his life. Alcide drowsily agrees. Eric adds that Alcide will keep his hands off of Sookie, romantically speaking and from this moment on he'll find Sookie a bit disgusting.

Councilman Kibwe puts Bill and Eric into the back of a truck and tells them the Authority will be pleased that they captured Russell. They ask if this means they'll be pardoned. The council member tells them it's in Lilith's hands.
Bill and Eric return to the council, where their iStake harnesses are removed and Roman toasts them with rare, 18th century Austrian hemophiliac blood. Salome tells Eric that Nora confessed to being a Sanguinista while they were gone, much to Eric's surprise. Roman tells Eric and Bill that by delivering Russell to the Authority, they have proven to be with him. Bill plays along, but Eric will only say he's a "pacifist." Roman laughs and tells Eric that he's too cool to admit he believes in anything but himself. Salome tries to excuse herself by saying that she

wants to interrogate Russell. Roman tells her not to bother, that they're just going to execute him as soon as possible. Salome seems upset about this decision, but offers to give him an extra dose of intravenous silver and bring him forth. Eric asks to visit Nora in her cell, telling Roman that she's his sister. This is a surprise to the rest. Eric assures Roman that he'll be present for the execution.
Eric stands outside Nora's cell, but Nora is to busy praying. She doesn't notice him until an iStake harnessed, screaming Russell is dragged by. Salome leans towards the bars, telling her Russell is going to be executed that very night. Nora's eyes open and she suddenly looks ecstatic. "It's happening. It's finally happening," Nora says. "God's plan, made manifest by her. Thank you Lilith. Thank you, she who transcends death." Eric, suddenly dismayed, asks Nora if she released Russell. She says no, that it's a miracle, all part of "her plan." Eric rushes back to the execution. Eric is there as Russell's iStake fails to work and Russell kills Roman. ("Hopeless")
"In the Beginning"[]

(click for animation)
Russell having just killed Roman, tackles Eric and tells him, "Me and you together at last." Eric bares his fangs and so does Russell. Then the lights begin to blink on and off brightly. During the commotion AVL guards swarm into the room and catch Russell. They bring him down using a silver net and he is placed back into security. When everything settles down Bill looks around for Eric and finds him hung up on the wall by his neck. Eric says drying, "The view from up here is spectacular."

Bill and Eric realize they were used to bring Russell to the Authority so he could kill Roman. They're trying to find out why Russell's restraints didn't work. If silver was injected into him there was no way he could've killed Roman so fast. They also wonder why the iStake didn't work. Molly, who is in charge of the iStakes, doesn't know either and is in the process of finding out. They are called to meet with Salome and Nora. While standing in Salome's room Nora tries to talk to Eric but feeling betrayed Eric tells her to shut up. Suddenly Russell appears and tells them he has been reborn. Nora tells Eric she tries to save him because she knew about Russell but again Eric ignores and shuts her up. Salome admits to digging up Russell because he was the only vampire powerful enough to get rid of Roman. She says they're interested in sharing their power with everyone and wants them to join them. Neither Eric or Bill are interested. Salome informs them of a ceremony taking place the following night, and gives them to option to attend.
Russell tells those at the ceremony he disavows himself of his previous statements and says he loves Lilith. Nora talks about vampires having evolved from humans and says that night at the ceremony everybody will drink from Lilith's blood. Chancellor Dieter speaks up saying that it is blasphemy. He says he has been part of the Authority since Roman first formed it and he will not go along with any of this. Before the chancellor can finish Russell decapitates him which results in his True Death. Afterwards Russell asks Lilith to forgive him. Nora says she does, and asks if anyone else has anything to say. Bill asks Eric if they're really going along with it and Eric agrees saying vampire blood won't affect them.

After drinking Lilith's blood Eric is amongst the vampires who drunkenly walk around town causing ruckus. Eric is also at the club where the vampires attack humans. While Eric is feeding on a human Godric's spirit appears to Eric. Godric tells Eric that he knows what he's doing is wrong, but his sister does not. Eric stops feeding and stares at Nora. ("In the Beginning")
"Somebody That I Used to Know"[]
The vampires crazy night comes to an end. They return to the headquarters with the majority of them still high and reveling in drinking Lilith's blood. Eric, who has sobered up, turns to Bill and asks him what the hell just happened. Bill mentions seeing Lilith. Eric isn't so sure, attributing what they saw to being high.

The vampires evaluate their evening. Russell says he feels, "born again," and the rest of the group believes this is the beginning of a new way of life. Eric isn't completely on board saying that, “I think I've had enough fun for one night,” he asks Bill if he is coming. Bill shakes his head. Disappointed, Eric leaves the room.
Eric tries to convince Nora that her mind is clouded and mentions seeing Godric. She says negative things about Godric and Eric is furious, he attempts to kill her but stops himself. Utterly heartbroken, Eric leaves. Nora says that she thinks Lilith will be able to show Eric the way.
At a meeting of the new vampire hierarchy they decide how to start flexing their muscles. It is suggested they simply start killing mainstreaming vampires, but Bill thinks of a better move: destroying the Tru Blood factories. Eric completely shocked asks Bill, "what he's doing," Bill coldly replies, "Evolving." ("Somebody That I Used to Know")
"Everybody Wants to Rule the World"[]
While the Authority proceeds with Lilith's plan by returning to the old ways, Eric plans his escape from headquarters together with Bill and Nora in order to save her as Godric requested. He turns to Molly for assistance who quickly agrees to help.

Just before dawn Eric tricks Nora into following him to the escape route. Once the cameras are turned off he disables her with a syringe, then prepares to escape after using her finger to access the elevator. The authority guards & Salome are waiting inside the elevator. Bill betrayed Eric and warned them of the escape route. The guards take Eric away, while he angrily stares at Bill. ("Everybody Wants to Rule the World")
"Gone, Gone, Gone"[]
Bill fills a dropper with the blood of Lilith in the sanctum of authority's headquarters. He has Eric brought before him and warns him that he and Nora are the only thing keeping him from the True Death. Eric defiantly welcomes death and asks why Bill cares. Bill says that he owes Eric for saving his life. Bill prepares the dropper but Eric refuses to imbibe. Nora holds his jaw open as Bill gives him the drop of Lilith's blood. Nora says that they will meet her together and opens her mouth for her own dose. Bill obliges before leaving the room. He watches them from a security station. They experience a vision of Godric. He warns them against following Lilith. Reminding them that he evolved beyond savagery. Lilith appears and Eric shouts for Godric to fight as Nora begs Lilith to have mercy on him. Lilith tears Godric's throat open as he tells his progeny, it is not him who must fight Lilith. Bill sees nothing on his monitor.
The other chancellors watch Steve's broadcast from the council chamber, Russell holding Emma and commentating on Steve's performance. Bill enters with Eric and says that he has managed to convert him to the Sanguinista cause. Eric tells the others about his vision and claims that he is now a believer in Lilith. He apologizes and kneels before Russell, forgiving him for his misdeeds and welcoming a new era of co-operation. Russell reluctantly offers his hand for a kiss.
The authority meet to discuss spreading their message. Russell brings up the possibility of day walking using the blood of faeries. He believes they should attempt to synthesize faerie blood just as they have done with human blood. Salome calls the suggestion blasphemy. Russell attacks her and announces his superiority over all of them. His native accent returning as he loses control of his emotions. He declares that they will not constrain him and speeds out of the room. ("Gone, Gone, Gone")
Eric paces back and forth in his room as Nora enters. They share a passionate moment. Eric tells her that he's going to get them out of there.
General Cavanaugh of the U.S. Army pays a visit to the Authority. He demands that they tell him where Roman is and why he hasn't be answering calls. He informs them that he knows they bombed the Tru Blood factories and that he has video footage of Russell and Steve eviscerating 22 fraternity members. He threatens to make the video public if they don't watch themselves. Triggering a war between humans and vampires. As he leaves, Eric stops him and breaks his neck, killing him.
The Authority members crowd around Cavanaugh's dead body, cursing Eric. Eric and Nora calm them down by telling them that if they act quickly with a glamouring campaign, they can contain the situation. Nora explains that she knows the Chief of Staff and Salome orders them to go and report back quickly.
Eric and Nora are driven away from the Authority headquarters by two guards. Eric asks if he can change the radio station and then stakes both guards. Eric and Nora exit the car and smile, flying off into the sky. ("Sunset")
"Save Yourself"[]
Eric locates Russell just as he is about to enter a fae hideout where Sookie is taking refuge. The faeries are using their photokinesis to keep Russell at bay. Eric takes advantage of the situation and manages to stake Russell bringing him the True Death, satisfying a long held lust for revenge. Steve looks on in horror as his boyfriend is staked and then runs off into the woods.
Sookie rushes to help Jason, who was knocked out in the battle and Nora finds herself drawn to Sookie's blood. Eric stops Nora and makes her swear not to touch Sookie. Jason is groggy from a head injury, but alive

Eric with Tara and Nora
Eric arrives with Tara and Nora asking for Sookie's help to save Bill. Eric says that she is the only one that can get through to Bill. Sookie agrees to help them infiltrate the Authority. They arm themselves with weapons from the Stake House.
Eric arrives at the Authority and kills every vampire that approaches him. Jason revels in the violence against vampires, killing many himself. Nora and Eric disarms the building's security system and release the prisoners. Eric is amused to realize that Pam and Tara have developed feelings for one another.
He sends most of the group back up in the elevator, warning them to expect more guards, then takes Sookie to find Bill. They find Bill about to drink Lilith's blood. Sookie urges Bill to come back to his old self.
Having grown tired of his old life and always apologizing for being a vampire, Bill refuses. He claims to have no real feelings for Sookie and drinks the blood of Lilith. He begins to bleed from the eyes and mouth and then appears to be destroyed, leaving a puddle of blood behind. Sookie is devastated and Eric comforts her. As she breaks down Bill rises again from the pool of his remains, coated in blood like Lilith and baring sharper, longer fangs. Eric yells at Sookie to run. As they flee Bill growls demonically. ("Save Yourself")